Action Jackson is for the masses more than the classes. It will prove to
be an average fare at the box-office in only some circuits as it will
score in single-screen cinemas and with the masses more than in the
multiplexes and with the gentry audience. But in the rest of the
circuits, reaching the average mark will be an uphill task.
ACTION JACKSON being a Bollywood film, the look and feel of the film is
that of loud South Indian films. While the film drags in the first half
endlessly, the second half too barely has anything in it to hold the
audience's attention. The film has no script whatsoever and has been put
together haphazardly on the editing table glued together which
non-sensical graphics and animation. On the whole, ACTION JACKSON is a
highly avoidable affair.
This is one of the films where they say 'Do not take your brains to the theaters'.
Rating - 1.3/5
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